Workshops & Interviews

Come learn about ritual and ceremony from our curated workshops and exclusive interviews with world-renowned experts and leaders in their field.

Ceremony & Ritual Workshops

Are you interested in learning about ritual and ceremony but don’t know where to start? You can watch our free Introduction to Ceremony workshop when you sign up for a Be Ceremonial account! 

Become a member and you can access all of our workshops, exploring topics such as Grief & Loss, Healing Rituals, Rituals for Self Care, End of Life Ceremonies, and Becoming a Celebrant. 

Ceremony & Ritual Workshops​
Exclusive Story Interviews​

Exclusive Story Interviews

The best way to learn about ritual and ceremony is through storytelling, so we’ve asked some of our favourite teachers and mentors to share their stories with us! 

Learn from experts like Dr. Gordon Neufeld, Hope Edelman, Quanita Roberson, Amy Wright Glenn and more! We’ll be adding new interviews every month. Our video podcast is available only in the Be Ceremonial App.

Explore Our Learning Space

Learn With Our Online Workshops

Ceremony Workshops

Watch our recorded workshops and learn from our team of ceremonialists.
The Power of Storytelling

Exclusive Interviews

Watch our exclusive interviews with leaders from around the world.

Ready to start learning?